Twelve Cancer Signs Mostly Ignored by Women |
The female body constantly changes and these changes become more obvious as the woman ages. Even though some of them are perfectly normal, there are some that should never be taken for granted because they could indicate that cancer is growing in the body.
Because of this, it’s important for a woman to monitor the changes her body goes through. The human body has a way of telling us that something is wrong. When we notice a new symptom or a new change, it’s important to educate yourself about it by consulting your doctor.
The following cancer signs are mostly ignored by most women.
Changes In the Breasts
In many cases, a lump on the breast doesn’t mean cancer. But if you notice a lump on your breast, you should consult your doctor. Also, if you notice any nipple discharge, nipples turning inward, or any redness or scaling of your nipple, make sure you tell your doctor that as well.
According to Marleen Myers, an oncologist at NYU Langone Medical Center, women are natural bloaters. But if the bloating does not subside and includes weight loss or bleeding, consult your doctor. Constant bloating can be one of the cancer signs. It could be colon cancer, ovarian cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, or even pancreatic cancer.....
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